Monday, May 18, 2009


things i have:
- time after school
- a runny nose
- a five page paper to write before 7 o clock

things i do not have:
- patience
- dinner, yet. thanks mom.
- a five page paper written

things i wish i had:
- a brain
- more friends/ better ones who arent crazy 89 % of the time.
- lacrosse practice. but only the kind where i sit with my team and dont actually play any lacrosse.

things i hate:
- my 8th period monday free. fuck you, you know who you are.
- teachers who read and dont respond. this never ceases to bother me. I CAN CHECK HISTORY YOU FOOL.
- fucking facebook

things that are stupid:
- english (pirate)
- cold may weather. whadafuxup god?
- burglars burglarizing on my street.

things i wish i had part 2:
- the car
- a book to read
- incentive to do well

things that scare me:
- almost every concept proposed by Watchmen
- bananas (nope).
- kids with guns

things i love:
- my bed
- my dog
- food, when provided by a parental unit. or by cin cin.

things that are dumb (different from things that are stupid):
- people
- teachers
- people

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