Rumored flashback: two times on the ferris wheel??
Seniors spotted returning to GFS halls early... hmmmm.....aviator hunter finds, instead, an ex-gfs pal
drunk texts from blink182 get embarrassing... how is that possible?
beloved seniors 09 take a hike... some near, some far, others to the tattoo parlor
lost dog... found in a bad-er-way than usual
movie mates, or more? bubbles and bb's neighbor spotted taking woodstock
should not start her own cleaning business: coolpants
... and the grounded party grows to 3. feel free to join, we get cooler every day
sound of the moment: the return of mika.
thing to get: gmail
thing not to do: read Empire of Wealth
Hot Spots: If you are looking to get a jump start on your awkward encounters with schoolmates you know but wouldn't say hi to if you ever ran into them.... go to staples! Guarenteed to run into at least 2 people from your school while going back to school shopping. If you are then inclined to head up the hill to Bredenbecks, you will run into a few more there. But really it's only the good people that go there so it's always fun. I should know, I practically live there. It's one of my pre-approved outings. Another one, going to another grounded friends house to hang out for the night.
and when you get bored of all that, do as I do, and facebook stalk a little more
over and out,
the bubbly blond
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