Monday, August 31, 2009

current events

Rumored flashback: two times on the ferris wheel??
Seniors spotted returning to GFS halls early... hmmmm.....
aviator hunter finds, instead, an ex-gfs pal
drunk texts from blink182 get embarrassing... how is that possible?
beloved seniors 09 take a hike... some near, some far, others to the tattoo parlor
lost dog... found in a bad-er-way than usual
movie mates, or more? bubbles and bb's neighbor spotted taking woodstock
should not start her own cleaning business: coolpants
... and the grounded party grows to 3. feel free to join, we get cooler every day

sound of the moment: the return of mika.

thing to get: gmail

thing not to do: read Empire of Wealth

Hot Spots: If you are looking to get a jump start on your awkward encounters with schoolmates you know but wouldn't say hi to if you ever ran into them.... go to staples! Guarenteed to run into at least 2 people from your school while going back to school shopping. If you are then inclined to head up the hill to Bredenbecks, you will run into a few more there. But really it's only the good people that go there so it's always fun. I should know, I practically live there. It's one of my pre-approved outings. Another one, going to another grounded friends house to hang out for the night.

and when you get bored of all that, do as I do, and facebook stalk a little more

over and out,
the bubbly blond

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Out and about

house arrest week one: lame. I hate this shit. I can do anything I want in the house, but I can't leave. It's the worst ever. What I should have done with my time: Summer reading, ACT work, college things. What I did: Tan, shop, watch TV, went pro at guitar hero, and very little of all that other stuff. Great start to my senior fall.

because of my lack of life, I live vicariously through others. If you have a good time, I am happy hearing about it. Almost like I was there.......

One night we all went out to pull some pranks before a party. We were throwing water balloons at the local elementary schoolers of Ridgewood, NJ who were playing in the park when we heard someone scream at us. We looked around and saw a group of guys approaching and screaming, "STOP, GET BACK HERE!", "I'LL KILL YOU" and "YOU ARE DEAD WHEN WE FINd YOU!!!" while wielding Bricks, sticks, and god knows what else, I certainly didn't want to find out. I turned and ran. My dress flapped around and I probably flashed them, I didn't care. I ran, barefoot, for my life. We tried to run to the car and they threw the brick, shattering a window and cracking the windshield. The were right there and I had no time, I turned down the street and ran not thinking about my phone, wallet or shoes still in the car. I had nothing, and I ran on. Two of my friends made it to the car and took off, my other friend and I ran for cover of some huge bushes outside of the housed around us. We were scared to death as we watched the guys running past us. Luckily my friend had her phone and called her mom. When she got off the phone, she said "I'm so sorry but I can't take you home. My mom is coming for me soon. Ill call them and tell them where you are so they can get you." THANKS BITCH. I watched her car take off a minute later and I was alone. The next car around the corner was driving slowly, was it my friends?!! I wondered hopefully. No. It was the gang of guys flashing their lights into the bushes as they drove looking for us. They knew we hadn't left the block. They were going to find me if I didn't move. I couldn't take the street, they would see me, so I ran through back yards, over fences, tripping and crying I ran. I got to the train tracks and I knew I was a mile from my friend Rachels house. I would go there and call my mom, there was no way she could be mad at me for this. I sprinted. It was the fastest and hardest I have ever run in my life, pure adrenaline fueled me. If that mile was timed, it would have been an olympic qualifying time. I got to her street, saw her house and knew I was safe. I had made it.

this actually happened two nights ago to my friend Noodle, luckily she lived to tell me about it so I can tell the story like I was there. While this was happening to her and she was freaking out with her friends and talking to the cops, my friend lauren and I were taking bets on what she did to be dealing with the cops which was all we knew was going on. She thought DUI, I thought she got busted with something illegal. We were disappointed to find out she was just the victim. Conclusion: Ridgewood is sketchy as shit. Tell me your stories, If they are this good, I will make them mine.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

"Yes, I googled"

When I googled "I'm Bored", the search turned up some weird shit. Apparently if you are wandering aimlessly around the web, the place to go is .

Next I googled how to become a Princess. But before I could type "princess" it came up with the top words after "how to become a _____". Number one search result: How to become a vampire. Really? come on people vampires are not real. If they were, why the hell would you want to be one? Next top results were model, pharmacist, personal trainer, police officer, teacher, anorexic. The last one bothers me but the others seem normal.

If you take off a word of this search and type "How to _____" The top result is how to tie a tie. I feel like people should know how to do this, its a piece of clothing. Next top results are How to... kiss, get pregnant, lose weight, make a website, write a resume, draw, do a rubix cube. I mean really, i feel like some of these things do not need to be googled. Even if you just need to be sure that you got pregnant the way you think you did.

But after looking at all these search results I decided to go back to my original search and try to further my life long quest to become a princess....
  1. ... Then I though is this legit and do i want to work that hard? Nope. I also don't think I would have much of a following. I just want a dress. Maybe I will be a princess for disney world.

    Then I googled What just to see what would come up. One of the top things people want to know is what does your name mean? Well, i do. But I don't get it and I am not pleased. Apparently God is my consecration. not true. conclusion: i have a stupid name.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So I hear this blog sucks...

blogging is not easy. make a blog and try and keep it constantly updated, you will see what i mean. It is summer, and I have been busy.... nat. I should be out doing something with my life, getting a job, working, but i'm grounded. It's a problem.

some summer gossip:
visiting friend meets a double and comes up short
Senior spanish speaker throws karaoke party
new fire found by a white fox
out and about and back from the mountains
camp partier finds relationship in poconos (I approve)
forbidden friend stays in touch and makes new friends
bubbles (not to be confused with the bubbly blond) wants a switcheroo with bubbly blond
seniors get awesomer
senior boys plagued by green fiend
big hello greets senior J
Blue shirt visits coolpants' stop on the metro
over achievers start college essays
fake tanning in the summer, what's the point?
making fun of fake beach go-ers
Not finishing summer reading
Being half way there
School in two weeks

Needed: less heat or less clothing. or both.

There is a show about cougars... I am watching it.

cougar: female sexual predator of younger people
cougared: prey of older women
question to ponder: is it possible to be cougared by a male or is it molestation? just wondering.

So I come home one day and find out that my family got a cat and named it after me: Bootsy. Now I don't know how to take this, am I embarrassed? Should I feel like my parents are trying to replace me already? I don't like something else with my name thats for sure. I feel used.

That's all for now
<3 setsy the senior