Thursday, March 26, 2009


or meeting for worship, as it is more commonly called. this is some deep shit. in more than one way. the most obvious depth comes in what the literal meaning of meeting for worship is: think about god and spirits and stuff. so thats deep to some people. not really to us tho (see list) . the more obvious deep shit is when u get into a lot of trouble in WHAT u do in meeting.

the most favored meeting activity is sleeping. look around in meeting and more than sixty percent of the population is KNOCKED out (including upper school principal and head of school). personally, I can't sleep in meeting. its so awkward to have people watch you sleep. that being said, i have done it and i will on occasion but im not one of the "come to meeting and be asleep in the first five minutes until woken by he handshake" people. i cant sleep because when i sleep my mouth falls open and its awkward for everyone and i just get paranoid about it. so what to do when u cant sleep? the answer is obvious: stare.

where to stare? that is the moral dilemma we are faced with every thursday at roughly 10:13. if you try to stare without being awkward, forget it. it wont happen. meeting is awkward (if your not asleep).

you can try looking strait ahead, but most likely there will be someone RIGHT in front of you (if you sit where i sit) or someone who thinks your staring at them. there is no way to communicate to that person that u are really just looking right in front of you and that u really arent staring at them so you just have to avoid looking right in front of you.

on the subject of avoiding people, there is always someone u have to avoid looking at at all costs. you gotta snipe them out at the beginning of meeting and know exactly where they are sitting so you will NOT by ANY accident or under ANY circumstance stare at them. (i.e. setsy and lyle koder)

but. another way of dealing with the awkwardness is having someone thats ur friend that u can just mutually look at and its acknowledged that its not weird. thats the best way to go. if you can.

worst case scenario is catching someone look at you. its awkard for both of you. you make eye contact and in your head u both go "SHIT" and turn away so fast, kind of in a way to make it look like you werent looking at each other, just scanning the people in meeting and you happen to cross eyes. but it isnt really like that and after your head rotates all the way you check back to see if they are still looking at you. and if they are, your fucked its awkward and u can only hope that they wont remember. but they do.

FACT: everyone alwasy remembers who they look at in meeting and especially who they get caught looking at.

also awkward: trying to follow a telepathic conversation between two people. its like in cartoons when they are watching tennis and your head just goes back and forth and its obvious and u just are gonna get caught and it will be awkward.

NOT AWKWARD: laughing, coughing, sneezing, farting (jason, this is awkward), stomach growls. all noise. you feel terribly embarrased to yourself, but in the grand scheme of meeting, these things happen and people accept them. or they are asleep and dont even notice.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Setsy: Deep Powder

So I am out skiing in Park City and it has been snowing here pretty constantly for a few days. Of course sooner or later I was bound to have an issue with the deep powder. It was hidden, I couldn't tell that it was as deep as it ended up being. To recount a quick event even quicker, I fell in deep. Fun stuff. Cold Stuff. Deep stuff. 


its a good idea ro plat in a marching band because then youll always have friends annd you are marching so you will neer be alone. plus they have clothes and its cool. once in tha marching band mayb take some siningin lessons and catch up on your mariah carey. skip class all the time. dont let the thing in the way of you and yours drams

Monday, March 23, 2009

this is me, coolpantslucy

here is a picture of me in case any of you were wondering what i looked like

setsy: The Deep

lobster, best thing from the deep. its not the little mermaid even though its close, lobster is best from the deeps along the coast of maine.


it amazes me how people can come up with such complex intricate fantasy worlds like narnia, hogwarts, middle earth, etc. imagination is now officially deemed important and deep.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


let me just put this one to bed right now: therapy is bullshit. its good to talk to someone about ur feelings if u have too many or something but actually paying someone to listen to you cry for an hour? umm get some friends... on the other end of that why pay for school and waste all that time in school doing something u can do now? unless your the kind of therapist that can perscribe pills in which case the odds are your going to be abusing those pills fairly soon. or selling them.

biggest bullshit form of therapy: couples therapy. if you and your significant other need to go to the point where you have to pay someone to tell you to break up.. you are suckers. this person is obviously taking u for a ride. put ur wallet away and start having sex again OR alternatively go your separate ways with a "its been nice". but dont u dare go to a couples therapist.

second biggest bullshit form of therapy: hypnotosis. if u want to be hypnotized youtube search "hypnosis videos" and i promise ull be out in a minute and a half. while ur on youtube search " kittens inspired by kittens"

sun burn

so ive had my fair share of sun burns over the years. in fact, it seems as if every time i go out into the sun i get burned, initially. i have had the full body, cant move or be touched anywhere or i might explode sunburn, where my whole body turned lobster red including my face- minus the circle around my eyes where i had my sunglasses on.. attractive. i have had the day late sunburn where u come inside and you look in the mirror and think "i have a fabulous tan" and then the next day your chest starts itching like crazy and u look down to see little white bumps that look like they could be from a biblical plague.

let me just take a second to describe the sunburn i have and how i got it. right now my stomach is burned, which is fine because that always evens outBUT after a day in the sun, i have red thighs. and not only do i have bright red thighs... but there are tiny spots of un-burned-ness on them. HOW did this happen you may ask? how is it that i have transformed into a confused cheetah with white spots and red skin? i will answer. my fucking dad. it was very windy on the beach today and he thought it would be funny to , instead of just handing me the sunscreen like i asked, stand down wind and spray TOWARDS me. in my GENERAL DIRECTION. letting the wind protect me. (side note the sunscreen isnt the white stuff u rub in its the sport stuff that just sprays on). im like no dad hand me the sunscreen so i can cover all my body here and not have awkward streaks of burned and white. "ha ha lucy its funny". fine dad your immmature and annoying i just wont fight with you on this one. you can imagine my suprise when i got up to go home and saw all the little spots where the sun screen sprayed through the wind had made contact with my body. great job dad. im a spotted wonder. this little dad piece is dedicated to maya.

another thing that is totally unacceptable (aside from behaving like a child at 46) is when people think that they are invisible in their cars. hello there are windows. everyone can see. if you want to pick ur nose all day then tint them shits up cause ur just causing a public disturbance.

heres a question for you followers: what is it about florida that makes it number one destination for old white people? they dont go to the beach, therers absolutely no shopping, all the food is take out/ generic bad food... wouldnt u want to spend your last days somewhere cool and chique like paris or hong kong?

Saturday, March 21, 2009